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Intro to Crappie Fishing

Intro to Crappie Fishing

It was really cool having a dad that took me rifle hunting and bass fishing as a kid, then meeting someone as an adult that could expand my knowledge to different methods and/or species. My husband introduced me to so much just shortly after we met, with the main focus being archery. However, crappie fishing is probably one of my favorite things he brought into my life, and while we’ve been chasing them on the lakes around us for over 6 years now, I continue to pick up on new things each time I go. That inspired me to write up some fun facts for those of you that may have never been crappie fishing before!

Mishaps & Second Chances

Mishaps & Second Chances

I have chased birds from Alabama to Texas and barely heard a gobble the whole time. In fact, I saw one hen, heard a handful of gobbles, and struggled to find fresh tracks and/or poop. I thought for sure I’d be eating tag soup for my 2019 turkey season, until my sweet friend invited me down to Mellon Creek Outfitters in Refugio, Texas to chase gobblers one last time. I didn’t hesitate for a second to jump on the road, making the 3.5 hour drive to some of the best hunting country I’ve ever seen - 110,000 acres of free range bliss.

Why I Started a Vlog // Vlogging Must-Haves on a Budget

Why I Started a Vlog // Vlogging Must-Haves on a Budget

Have you ever reached a point where you thought, “there’s more to life than this.” I’m personally referring to social media. I was spending way too much time on it. Partly because I wasn’t putting time into the things that mattered most, and partly because I felt if I wasn’t constantly on it, I wasn’t doing my job well enough. After all, I’m digitally based so it’s critical that I create content regularly. At what point is it enough though? That’s what I had to ask myself. It got to where I was losing the joy of being in the moment, which snowballed into, “I had more fun hunting before social media was a thing” and I had to figure out a way to get back to that.

Women's Gear: Spring Turkey Hunting

Women's Gear: Spring Turkey Hunting

Originally I was planning to make this blog ALL of my favorite clothing items for hunting year round, then realized how overwhelming that’d be. It’d make a lot more sense to break it up by season, so with turkey season almost in full swing, I’ll focus on a few of my must haves for chasing those beautiful birds! I really tried to keep cost in mind because it’s easy to want EVERYTHING (trust me, I know), rather than think about needs. While the product links often offer the items in multiple camo patterns, I’d suggest getting everything in RidgeReaper Forest. It’s their greener pattern and works incredible for spring and early season fall hunts.

Boho Living and Loving // 6 Month Update

Boho Living and Loving // 6 Month Update

I’ve noticed a lot of hype around simplified living lately: travel trailers, tiny homes, van living, etc. With that being said, I’ve had a handful of people ask me if I still like living in a trailer, to which I would immediately correct them and say, “I don’t like it. I LOVE IT!!” Below are a few thoughts that immediately come to mind when someone asks what makes me love it so much:

Good Marketing Always Wins.

Good Marketing Always Wins.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. Walking across that stage was an incredibly gratifying moment; partly because I successfully made it across without falling on my face while wearing 6” turquoise heels (literally the tallest I’ve ever tried on), but mainly because I had switched majors multiple times and still finished in 4.5 years. Many summer classes, all nighters, and full breakdowns later (picture lots of ugly crying), I was handed a diploma with a B.S. in Visualization from Texas A&M. That was a little over 6 years ago now.

Holiday Gift Guide // Academy Sports + Outdoors

Holiday Gift Guide // Academy Sports + Outdoors

This post was sponsored by Academy Sports + Outdoors.

Once Thanksgiving hits, it seems like we have 2 days to buy gifts between work, school, holiday events (if you’re not planning to attend an ugly Christmas sweater party, get to work because they’re so fun), and preparing to host a meal for more people than the previous year. Oh, and let’s not forget the detailed house cleaning that’ll occur to cover up how you actually live day to day - 4 loads of laundry, sink full of dishes, dog hair all over, and what’s mopping anyway? Hopefully it’s not that extreme but the point is that life gets busy and it’s about to get busier between the two biggest holidays of the year. Are you shopping for a hunter, outdoorsman or woman, or even want to get yourself something special this Christmas? Let me help! Head to your nearest Academy Sports + Outdoors to check off your gift list. After all, they make it easier for everyone to enjoy more sports and outdoors at low prices. Here are a few of my personal picks, which you’ll notice revolve around comfort, convenience, and warmth - all the things we love during the holidays!

Hunting Trailer Walk-Through

Hunting Trailer Walk-Through

The decision to have an organized cargo trailer specifically for all of our hunting gear was easily one of the best we’ve ever made. I didn’t go out of my way to clean it up, mainly because there’s a high demand for a walk through and I like to have a quick turnaround for special requests, but also because this is real life. We hunt a lot and it’s a mess more than it’s clean.



I sat there 20’ high, shaking uncontrollably after releasing my arrow, and thought to myself, “what if I did it again?”

Five years ago that question would be in a celebratory manner, as in, what if I’m still on my hot streak and just had another successful hunt. My first few seasons as a bowhunter were incredible; literally nothing could pass me! Not this year though. 2018 has been rough. The hesitation and shakiness from within was stemming from uncertainty after so much heartbreak during early season, from missing to wounding multiple animals.

I Thought He Walked On Water

I Thought He Walked On Water

I recently returned home from one of the most incredible hunts of my life. While I didn’t punch a tag, I was able to celebrate my two favorite men punching theirs. My husband arrowed a mature mule deer with 3 Rivers Adventures and my pops arrowed a once in a lifetime bull moose. My husband rarely gets to hunt because he’s usually behind the camera filming me, or he can’t get off work to travel on these incredible adventures with me. My pops, on the other hand, has been elk hunting with me the last 3 years in a row and came home empty-handed each time. Instead of chasing elk again this season, he flew to Alberta with us to pursue his absolute favorite game. It was a dream come true to put one on the ground on the last day of his hunt. His raw emotion had me choked up.

13 Tips/Reminders for All Hunters

13 Tips/Reminders for All Hunters

Over the years I’ve hunted with some absolute savages that have given me great advice! There are some people that can just go out and get it done - they’re naturals. I’ve been very fortunate to learn from them, as well as a few that I haven’t met (yet!). Below is a list of tips that I have accumulated over the years from those I look up to. There are many things that will come across as common sense, yet people continue to ignore whether it’s from overthinking the situation or being impatient. Sometimes it’s nice to have a reminder, a quick refresher course, if you will.