
Mountain Goat Hunting Gear List

Mountain Goat Hunting Gear List

While this is written from a woman’s perspective, any person can follow this gear list and substitute the appropriate items. I’ve intentionally made this very specific because I noticed that most lists out there are pretty vague, and gear can really help or hurt your experience. Do not mistake that for “gear will be the reason you’re successful or unsuccessful.” I can’t stand when people blame their gear for everything. Without proper preparation, including your physical ability and a positive mindset, it doesn’t matter what’s included in this list.

South Dakota Pheasant Hunting in November

South Dakota Pheasant Hunting in November

While a shotgun isn’t completely foreign to me, I admit that it typically sits under my bed for 12+ months at a time. Then, I pull it out and attempt to remember how to properly shoulder, lead, and follow through a shot. I’d compare it to a newborn giraffe learning how to walk. Ok, maybe not that bad, but it’s not pretty! My love for archery hunting runs deep, so everything else seems to fall behind that.

Gear Up, Girls! Women's Camo Review for Archery Elk

Gear Up, Girls! Women's Camo Review for Archery Elk

I vividly remember when women-specific camo started to hit the market. After years of wearing hand-me-downs, youth clothing, or oversized men’s clothing, including Carhartt bibs for most of those years, I happily bought the pink-it-and-shrink it lines because finally something was made “just for me,” except it was terrible. Slowly but surely, brands noticed the increase in women hunters and therefore the demand for something functional, durable, and comfortable that complimented our build a little more than a boxy cotton shirt with a few pink leaves mixed in.

The Most Comfortable Camping Sleep System // Canvas Cutter

The Most Comfortable Camping Sleep System // Canvas Cutter

It’s amazing what a single night on the mountain will do for the soul! I snuck away and fell asleep under a (nearly) full moon, then woke up to see a shooting star within a few seconds of opening my “tent,” which is the very reason I’m throwing this article together! It never fails: every time I post anything about my bedrolls, people go nuts! This article will break down my preferred sleep system, and how I would change it to make it heavier or lighter depending on the trip. The additional weight is just for comfort when I don’t need to be strict about having a light setup. This particular trip fell somewhere in the middle in terms of size and weight. Let’s get to the details!

Zion National Park | The Perfect Girls Weekend

Zion National Park | The Perfect Girls Weekend

I’d be willing to argue that fewer places are more beautiful than Zion National Park in Southern Utah. I’ve driven through it a few times and hiked one of the shorter trails that’s close to the entrance, but it took me 1.5 years to finally TRULY experience it. Living just 45 minutes from Zion is a dream and I plan to go back ASAP! A Spring trip in May was the perfect timing, as the afternoons were already starting to warm up. For a short weekend trip (2 days for us), it doesn’t get much better than this schedule!

2020 Bow Builds // Hoyt RX-4 & Hoyt Eclipse

2020 Bow Builds // Hoyt RX-4 & Hoyt Eclipse

After 8 years of shooting Hoyt, it’s no surprise that both of my bow setups for the 2020 season were also Hoyt! Many people have requested a breakdown of each setup. They’re extremely similar in terms of accessories and they have the same speed, but they’re 2 very different bows. Let’s dive into an overview of my RX-4 Alpha and the all-new women’s Eclipse!

My 7 Favorite “Glamping” Items

My 7 Favorite “Glamping” Items

Well I think it’s safe to say we’re taking FULL advantage of this crazy time in the world by soaking up sunshine on the weekends and consistently filling our cup with adventure. Utah feels more and more like home every day and continues to make my heart smile with its beauty. Luckily we’ve found some pretty awesome adventure buddies that are always up for something new and have really shown us some hidden gems that are within 120 miles. While I’m completely down to “rough it” in the field during hunting season, I’ll never be mad about having a few finer things in camp. I’ll go ahead and say it: I enjoy glamping too.

Archery Elk Hunting // Clothing Breakdown

Archery Elk Hunting // Clothing Breakdown

Even though September has come and gone for the 2019 season, I seem to be getting a flood of questions regarding my gear choices for spot and stalk archery elk hunting. I’ve been elk hunting for 5 years, spending anywhere from 7-21 consecutive days in the field each time. I typically layer up with a mix of the following pieces!

How to Remove Arrow Wraps

How to Remove Arrow Wraps

I started installing wraps on my arrows for a few reasons, but mostly just to make them look different while simultaneously advertise my brand. I love them aesthetically, but they have been the biggest pain in the butt too. I don’t like that every time I hit another vane while practicing or do an average job fletching in the first place, I have to peel the arrow wrap off and waste all of that material, as opposed to simply replacing the single fletching. This probably isn’t the best thing to write about when I literally sell my own arrow wraps online (see here), but I want to be honest about it too. Maybe one day I’ll try them again, but I’m really annoyed with them right now and I’ve gone back to the old ways.

Preparing for Early Season // Arrow Build Comparison for Pronghorn & Elk

Preparing for Early Season // Arrow Build Comparison for Pronghorn & Elk

It was 2015 when i finally left the state of Texas to experience western hunting for the first time. More specifically, I went on my first elk hunt and came home with a trophy bull. Before I left for that hunt, I specifically asked my archery shop what I needed to change about my arrow setup, and I only did that because my cousin had researched this topic on multiple hunting forums, and every one of them insisted on taking a heavy arrow. I had been shooting a lighter arrow up until that point (Ted Nugent pink/zebra arrows to be exact). After getting a full passthrough, not once but TWICE on my bull (with only a 25.5” draw length and 50 lb draw weight), I started to understand the importance of switching up that setup. Back home I rarely had passthroughs on deer with the lighter setup, which still worked well, but I was extremely impressed with the performance of my 400+ grain arrow on my elk. He didn’t even know what hit him on the first shot.

Women's Gear: Spring Turkey Hunting

Women's Gear: Spring Turkey Hunting

Originally I was planning to make this blog ALL of my favorite clothing items for hunting year round, then realized how overwhelming that’d be. It’d make a lot more sense to break it up by season, so with turkey season almost in full swing, I’ll focus on a few of my must haves for chasing those beautiful birds! I really tried to keep cost in mind because it’s easy to want EVERYTHING (trust me, I know), rather than think about needs. While the product links often offer the items in multiple camo patterns, I’d suggest getting everything in RidgeReaper Forest. It’s their greener pattern and works incredible for spring and early season fall hunts.