"The New Normal" | What They Don't Want You To See

Proof I’m being shadowbanned. She’s not the first person to tell me this. My own husband has to search for my page to see anything that I post; it’s been that way for over a year.

Proof I’m being shadowbanned. She’s not the first person to tell me this. My own husband has to search for my page to see anything that I post; it’s been that way for over a year.

A friend recently sent me the video above, and as I went to share it on my social channels, it was flagged. See screenshots below. I attempted to send the link in a direct message to some friends and it was immediately flagged again. No swipe ups, no messages, nothing is allowed in regards to sharing the video. Censorship is real and I’m getting a rather large dose of it.

I’m writing this on my lunch break, hoping to spread it to a few people in an effort to bring awareness to the bigger problems that aren’t being talked about. I’m scared to death of what this world is coming to. I plan to add more context to this article when I get a few minutes, but for now, I’m trying to address the dozens of messages in my inbox who are saying they cannot see the video, but would like to watch. Hopefully the video doesn’t get taken down!

Before, I had censorship issues like this from hunting content, driven by anti-hunters reporting my page and multiple posts. Now, it’s beginning to shift, even though I very rarely use my platform to share content like this. I’m so disturbed and heartbroken. This video has made me restless the last couple of nights. I imagine it will you too. I’d encourage you to share where you can, but do not share without educating yourself first. Watch it until the very end.

What I attempted to post with a swipe up link to the video above.

What I attempted to post with a swipe up link to the video above.

The message I received upon trying to post to my story with a swipe up link.

The message I received upon trying to post to my story with a swipe up link.

The message I received upon trying to send in a direct message.

The message I received upon trying to send in a direct message.