Pros & Cons of Invisalign Treatment

I’ve contemplated getting my teeth fixed for years after I noticed them shifting more and more with time. To everyone else, my teeth were already straight, but the slightest movement had created a “less than perfect” alignment, something that I once experienced after wearing braces for 2.5 years. For this reason, it’s been difficult to ignore the change. My teeth are also a sensitive subject because I can remember being made fun of for having “buck teeth” and I even had people close to me say, “she could eat an apple through a fence.” While it was lighthearted, it still hurt!

In December of 2020, with my 31st birthday quickly approaching, I decided it was time. COVID-19 cancelled our trade shows and important face-to-face meetings that I’d normally have, so I picked up the phone and made an appointment to get my very own set of Invisalign trays. I’m currently about halfway through my trays so I have a lot to look forward to in the coming months, like getting them whitened for that Hollywood-looking smile. I’m kidding. Kind of. See the feedback I received on professional versus over-the-counter whitening here.


Below are the front, top, and bottom adjustments by tray, sped up to show the process. Pretty neat!


  • Feels Awkward: No matter what, it feels super awkward at first. With braces, it’s weird that your cheeks don’t touch your teeth anymore. With Invisalign, you will most likely have a hard time pronouncing certain words in the beginning. I had a lisp for the first week or so.

  • Timeframe: From what I understand, you’re looking at similar timeframes for either route

  • Cleaning: You really should spend more time cleaning, whether you get braces or Invisalign. You’ll have to put a little more effort into Invisalign, but in general just know that they both require extra commitment to brushing and flossing.

  • Glue: both procedures will require brackets (braces) or knobs (Invisalign) that are glued onto your teeth. The knobs (no idea what else to call them) that are glued to your teeth are clear, but they stick out and are only noticeable up close when someone is really looking at your teeth.

  • Soreness: regardless of the route you choose, be prepared to have some soreness the first 24-48 hours after switching trays or getting your braces tightened. Luckily, I’ve only had to take Advil one time on my very first tray on the 2nd day because they got so sore! I remember being in a lot more pain with braces.

  • Cost: They’re also similar in pricing, but I’ve heard that Invisalign can be slightly cheaper. I’ll just come out and say that I paid $4,000 for my Invisalign, with an upfront payment of $1,500, then $250 per month until I’m paid in full, all with 0% interest. Check with your dentist to see if they offer a similar payment plan!

Up close you can see the little knobs a little bit.

Up close you can see the little knobs a little bit.

Far away, you’d never know I had trays on.

Far away, you’d never know I had trays on.


  • Discrete: unless you’re up close to someone with their trays in, you probably won’t know they have Invisalign. They don’t show up in photos either. With braces, obviously you have total metal mouth so everyone notices it. It’s just not an option to hide!

  • No cuts: if you’ve had braces, you’ve surely experienced the pain of the metal cutting into your cheeks, especially in the beginning stages when your skin isn’t used to it, or when you get hit in the face with a soccer ball. Been there! While I’ve had a little bit of gum flare-up with Invisalign, I honestly think it’s from having a piece of food stuck in my teeth or putting my water pick on the highest pressure. More on that further down!

  • Less Office Visits: from what I recall, braces required me to book an appointment every month or so (please comment below if this has changed since 20 years ago), but with Invisalign my orthodontist gives me 6-8 weeks of trays at a time. I’m assuming this is because you’re making small adjustments at home on your own by simply swapping your trays out every 10-14 days. With braces, there’s not a way to adjust them on your own.

I’ve received anywhere from 3 to 6 trays at a time so I can swap them out without having to make an orthodontist appointment.

I’ve received anywhere from 3 to 6 trays at a time so I can swap them out without having to make an orthodontist appointment.


  • Discoloring: The glue that’s used to keep them on your teeth seem to absorb the color of the food/drinks that you consume. A friend of mine said that turmeric made the glue turn a yellowish color, and I’ve heard coffee is a similar situation. Although I do drink coffee, I’ve intentionally cut the consumption down to about 10% of what I previously consumed. Basically I have 1/2-1 cup on Saturdays and Sundays. I’m scared it’ll stain the glue, so I’ve switched to drinking Green Tea when I absolutely need some caffeine. Long story’s extremely important to brush and floss often!!

  • Discipline: Due to the fact that Invisalign is removable, you have to be dedicated to keeping them in for at least 20 hours a day. For this reason, I would NOT recommend the Invisalign route for kids and teenagers. Personal opinion though!

  • Excessively cleaning: yes, you’ll have to clean more-than-normal with braces, but I feel like Invisalign requires more commitment because you’re sealing that space between the tray and your teeth. You don’t want to trap food, sugar, etc and have them sit like that until the next meal. Gross!

I made this side-by-side within 10 seconds using the “compare” tool within the Invisalign App. Unfortunately I didn’t take an earlier “before” photo so they had already started to shift!

I made this side-by-side within 10 seconds using the “compare” tool within the Invisalign App. Unfortunately I didn’t take an earlier “before” photo so they had already started to shift!


Tomorrow, on 4/5/21 I will begin tray 10 of 20! This is a screenshot of the Invisalign app that you can download for free.

Tomorrow, on 4/5/21 I will begin tray 10 of 20! This is a screenshot of the Invisalign app that you can download for free.

  • Water Pick: if you don’t already use one, a water pick will be the best investment you’ll ever make during this time. I cannot believe the extra “stuff” that comes out of my mouth with a pick, which helps keep my teeth and gums healthy while wearing trays for 20+ hours per day. Side note: this is something I’ll continue to use for the rest of my life because it makes my mouth feel so clean!

  • Dental Flossers: I highly recommend keeping a bag of these wherever you spend the most time. I have a bag in my bathroom, in my truck, and in my top office drawer! These are especially good to have in between using a water pick. When I’m spending time in the mountains camping, I don’t pack my water pick, but I make sure to have these with me for convenience!

  • Invisalign App: download the app so it helps remind you to switch your trays! It’s also a great place to store progress pictures and track how long you’ve had your trays out while eating/drinking!